Using atmel dragon arduino ide
Using atmel dragon arduino ide

  1. #Using atmel dragon arduino ide install#
  2. #Using atmel dragon arduino ide mods#
  3. #Using atmel dragon arduino ide software#
  4. #Using atmel dragon arduino ide download#

Like WinAVR, there are newer versions available but the stock ones worked (I did build avarice 2.12 to test, didn’t make any difference in what I saw).

#Using atmel dragon arduino ide install#

On Ubuntu you can just use the stock available AVR toolchain stuff,Īpt-get install gcc-avr binutils-avr gdb-avr avr-libc avrdude avariceĪs of this writing, the versions were gcc-avr (1:4.5.3-2), binutiles-avr (2.20.1-2), gdb-avr (7.2-1), avr-libc (1:1.7.1-2), avrdude (5.10-3), avarice (2.10-3ubuntu1). The thing to note is that v4.x and v5.x want different versions of the Dragon firmware, so if you want to go back and forth between 4.x and 5.x you’ll have to keep re-flashing the Dragon too. In this I used 5.1 but I know it works with AVR Studio 4, since my previous article involved Studio 4. You’ll also want some version of AVR Studio. When I started with this I had problems and I thought “a newer version might fix it”, and the problems just turned out to be me, and the building new stuff turned out to be a colossal pain.

using atmel dragon arduino ide

You might think that 2010 is old and you need something newer and cooler, but trust me working with the 20100110 is a lot easier than trying to build your own toolchain on Windows. I used WinAVR 20100110 in this, and there’s nothing newer (and not likely to be anything newer).

using atmel dragon arduino ide

AVR Dragon connected to Diecimila via ISP cable WinAVR (ie – GCC Toolchain)įor Windows you want WinAVR. I put a ZIF socket onto mine, but we won’t use it for this exercise.

#Using atmel dragon arduino ide mods#

You don’t have to do any mods to the Dragon other than maybe put some pin headers on it. You can probably make all this work with the Atmel JTAG ICE III (I didn’t even know they had a III out), but those are expensive and so I don’t have one. I’m sure you can get one just about everywhere. The dragon is (still) only $54 from Digikey in Canada.

#Using atmel dragon arduino ide download#

On Ubuntu you can just apt-get it, but I chose to download and unzip it. Hey, I hear Eclipse can be used for Java development. You’ll also need Java for this, of course, since Eclipse requires Java to run. I started out with the base CDT version and added into it. That means you can keep many, many different versions of Eclipse configured for different tasks like I do around and not have to worry about trying something that will foul it up in some other aspect. The nice thing about Eclipse is that it doesn’t have to be “installed” on your system, you can just unzip the folder and run it from that.

using atmel dragon arduino ide

At the time of this writing Eclipse was 3.7.2. More specifically, Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers (includes Incubating components). It will probably work with the UNO and other boards, I just haven’t tested them. For this experiment I used my modified Diecimila board. I wrote a whole big-ass article on this before, so you can reference that. WinAVR (Windows) or the AVR Toolchain (Linux).Other debuggers might work, but a Dragon is what I have An Arduino that’s been modified for DebugWIRE operation.I did this with Arduino IDE 1.0 installed. This worked for me, maybe it will work for you. I did the setup on Windows and Linux, and the steps are 90% the same.

#Using atmel dragon arduino ide software#

The real credit goes to the authors of the software used in this. I just put the pieces together from some disparate sources, some of which are a little out of date. I’ve developed none of the software/plugins involved. I’m standing on the shoulders of giants here. I spent a lot of time trying to get the setup right, so I figured I’d detail it out if you’re trying to figure it out too, and save you the effort. Along the way I found the toolchain is robust enough these days to support DebugWIRE debugging of the Arduino and not have it suck too hard. Stephen said it was much easier now, so I figured I’d have a look. I’d looked at Eclipse a long time ago and setting it up was an absolute terror with no real benefit. I recently had some communication from Stephen Lake where he mentioned he was using Eclipse for Arduino development. I’ve written before about using an Atmel AVR Dragon to debug an Arduino board, using AVR Studio 4.

using atmel dragon arduino ide

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Using atmel dragon arduino ide